California Cannabis Attorney Blog

Medicinal Liquor vs Medical Cannabis

We can’t say that medicinal liquor of the early 20th century in the United States foretold the path of today's medical cannabis, but with the medical cannabis / cannabis licensing and permitting explosion and backlog some interesting comparisons can be made. Let’s take a look at … [Read more...]

Medical Cannabis Regulations in California

What is happening with California state medical cannabis regulations? In 2015, California's Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA) passed, which established licensing and regulatory framework for medical cannabis cultivation, manufacture, transport, storage, … [Read more...]

Medical Cannabis Licensing for California

Californians celebrated in January of 2016, as the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (originally MMRSA then re-named to MCRSA) went into effect. The law, which establishes a mechanism to administer state medical cannabis licensing after local permits are obtained for … [Read more...]

Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Regulations

California State Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Regulations Being Drafted by CDFA The state agency in charge of creating cannabis cultivation regulations for medical cannabis cultivators, California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), in conjunction with the Medical … [Read more...]

Cannabis Compliance Zoning Permitted Activity

Cannabis compliance zoning and permitted activity. If you are a current or prospective landowner of commercial property in Santa Rosa, you and your real estate agent may be wondering whether you can legally lease to any part of the medical cannabis industry [and the recreational … [Read more...]

The Feds May Reschedule Cannabis Classification

Cannabis Classification. Are we on our way to eliminating conflicts between state and federal law? On April 4, 2016, the DEA announced plans to release a decision in mid - 2016 as to whether cannabis classification should be rescheduled from its current classification as a … [Read more...]

New California Medical Marijuana Regulations – Part One

New California Medical Marijuana Regulations have been passed by legislators. On September 11, 2015, legislators in California passed three important medical cannabis bills, Assembly Bills 266 and 243 and Senate Bill 643.  These bills are contingent upon each other, and will … [Read more...]

What is a per se limit for cannabis?

What is a per se limit for cannabis? It is a limit of intake that is inherently illegal, even if it does not impair the driver. 14 states have a per se or zero tolerance limit for cannabis. Nevada and Washington have per se limits, while Arizona has a zero tolerance limit. … [Read more...]

Marijuana Concentrates and Drug Paraphernalia

When it comes to marijuana concentrates and drug paraphernalia, what constitutes drug paraphernalia? Paraphernalia is defined as equipment necessary to conduct a particular activity. In the case of concentrates, the term will typically be used by a prosecutor to mean items … [Read more...]

New Attempt to Regulate California Medical Marijuana Industry

A bill to further reform /  regulate the California medical marijuana industry, AB 473 introduced by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco has been approved by the Assembly Public Safety Commission and now moves on to hearings in the Assembly Appropriations Committee before … [Read more...]


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